Reckless Driving In Virginia? I’ll Appear In Court For You.
Most out-of-state drivers charged with speeding or other moving violations while traveling through Virginia simply mail in the fine and go on about their lives with little disruption. If you are ticketed for driving more than 20 mph over the speed limit, though, you are facing a misdemeanor reckless driving offense that requires you to appear in court.
I am Virginia traffic ticket defense attorney Robert T. Dearborn, in Fairfax. I represent out-of-state drivers charged with reckless driving and other misdemeanor traffic violations in municipal and county courthouses throughout northern Virginia. My firm will fight aggressively to protect your license and seek to have reckless driving charges dismissed or reduced to the lowest possible charge. Protecting your exposure to harsh Virginia traffic law penalties if convicted is my first priority.
Worried About Having To Make A Return Trip?
Under Virginia law, you may be able to have your lawyer appear on your behalf in court if you are unable to appear for your misdemeanor reckless driving court hearing. If you don’t want to return to Virginia to appear in traffic court, let me represent you.
Talk With A Local Fairfax Attorney
Wherever you live, you can benefit from hiring a local attorney who knows the traffic laws in Virginia and can capably represent you in local traffic courts. Contact my office in Fairfax for a free consultation. You can also reach me by telephone at 703-350-4804. I offer flat-fee rates for many of my traffic law services and accept all major credit cards for your convenience. I’ll help you have your best day in traffic court — and you won’t even have to be there.