Many times, traffic violations result in citations. Police officers pull people over, ask them a few questions and then issue them a ticket. The driver has the option of fighting the ticket or paying it depending on whether they agree with the police officer's...
Fairfax Criminal Defense Law Blog
When is it a crime to possess or use a prescription drug?
Prescription medications are technically controlled substances. Someone with medical concerns needs to see a physician to obtain a prescription for a medication. They then need to fill the prescription at a licensed pharmacy. When people follow the correct protocol,...
Do drivers have to submit to roadside testing in Virginia?
Police officers typically only pull people over when they suspect certain traffic violations. Suspicions of chemical intoxication are a common reason to conduct traffic stops. During a traffic stop, police officers may issue a citation or may attempt to gather...
What role can a PAS device have in a drunk driving case?
A preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) device is a tool used by law enforcement officers during drunk driving investigations. This portable breath test device allows officers to conduct a quick field assessment of a driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Unlike...
Can a criminal charge impact a security clearance?
Being charged with a crime can be a stressful experience. When you work in an industry that requires a security clearance, the stress level can be even higher. Losing your clearance might mean losing your job, so it's crucial to understand the impact a criminal charge...
When can shoplifting in Virginia result in grand larceny charges?
There are quite a few different behaviors that could lead to someone's arrest and prosecution for a shoplifting offense in Virginia. The state penalizes acts ranging from placing objects inside other products to conceal them and changing price tags to simply running...
How Virginia penalizes DUI offenses
People often think that because it is a victimless crime that DUI charges won't lead to major penalties in most cases. It is quite common for people to plead guilty to DUI charges, sometimes without even learning the penalties they face beforehand. Pleading guilty to...
Does your BAC go up faster with different types of alcohol?
You know well that you don’t want to be driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC), that is over 0.08%. That is the legal limit for the majority of drivers in Virginia. There are lower limits for drivers who are under 21 years old or for commercial drivers, but...
Do field sobriety tests work?
One of the most common things that police officers do to determine if someone is impaired is to put them through field sobriety tests. One of the advantages of using these tests is that they can show impairment based on other substances. For instance, someone who has...
When does a criminal charge affect your immigration rights?
Immigrants only have temporary authorization to live in the United States, and mistakes they make can lead to removal from the country. If they want to stay here or become citizens, immigrants must meet certain criteria and comply with domestic laws. Criminal...