Strong Defense Against Misdemeanor Criminal Charges
A misdemeanor criminal charge is far more serious than many people think. While misdemeanors are less severe than felonies, they can still result in probation, jail time, fines and a permanent criminal record.
I am Robert T. Dearborn, a criminal law attorney in Fairfax, Virginia. I have extensive experience handling misdemeanor criminal matters, including:
- Drug charges: If you have been charged with marijuana possession or another misdemeanor drug offense, I can protect your rights.
- Drunk driving: I provide strong representation to people accused of drunk driving in Virgina. I can protect your rights in the criminal justice system and the administrative process of protecting your driver’s license.
- Shoplifting: A shoplifting charge can put your future or your child’s future at risk. I am here to limit the damage to the greatest possible extent.
Don’t Give Up Without A Fight
If you are tempted to plead guilty and accept a plea bargain, I urge you to think twice. Prosecutors make these offers to make their job easier, not for your benefit. I am on your side and can help you make the right decisions going forward. The case against you may not be as strong as prosecutors would have you think. Pleading guilty could be a big mistake.
Talk With An Attorney Who Can Protect Your Rights
I have handled thousands of criminal and traffic court cases and can defend you against the misdemeanor charges you face. To arrange your free initial consultation, please call my Fairfax law offices at 703-350-4804 or contact me online.